If you’re terrified of going to the dentist because of past bad experiences or you’re just afraid of the pain and discomfort involved with the dental procedure, sedation dentistry San Jose may be the answer for you. With both oral and IV sedation techniques, you can virtually sleep through your dental visit and for the most part, remember very little if nothing at all about the dental procedure itself.
Also referred to as relaxation dentistry or sleep dentistry, the sedation dentistry procedure is administered by San Jose dentist Dr. Heidari by giving you sedative drugs that keep you relaxed and anxiety-free throughout your dental visit. You can become so relaxed that you’ll have very little to no recollection of the dental procedure itself. This type of procedure is well suited if you are particularly afraid of being put under with general anesthesia.
The sedative drugs Dr. Heidari will use range from the basic nitrous oxide and local anesthetics, to oral and Intravenous tranquilizers. From your perspective, a complex dental procedure that would take hours to perform, will feel like it happened in a matter of minutes. With that, a procedure that would generally require numerous visits to the office, can now be done in just one or two appointments.
Because sedation dentistry will diminish your anxiety and stress levels for an immediate dental procedure, it will also increase the chances of you returning for follow-up care. This is one of the most important considerations because those who fear the dentist are likely to avoid the dentist resulting in very poor overall dental health.
Contact San Jose Sedation Dentist Dr. Heidari
If you or someone you know is afraid of the dentist, call our San Jose, California office at 408.999.0444!
2510 Stevens Creek Blvd.
San Jose, CA 95128
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